Trump Fires Back At Jay Z “Super Bug” Jab: “Somebody Tell Him Black Unemployment Is At Record Low”

The rapper who penned the classic track “Dead Presidents” is now feuding with one who is very much alive. 

President Trump lashed out at Brooklyn-born rapper Jay Z Sunday morning after he criticized Trump during an interview with CNN Saturday, saying reports that Trump referred to African nations as “shithole” countries were “hurtful” and “disappointing.”

In a tweet, Trump claimed that somebody should remind Jay-Z that black unemployment in the US has fallen to its lowest-recorded rate – something Trump attributed to his policies.



Jay Z angered Trump during an appearance on the Van Jones Show Saturday, where he compared Trump to former LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling and said the former New York real-estate mogul

“It is disappointing and it’s hurtful. It really is hurtful, more than so … everyone feels anger but after the anger, it’s real hurtful,” said Jay Z, whose real name is Shawn Carter, during an interview with CNN’s Van Jones that aired Saturday.

The rapper said Trump’s reported comment – which the president has denied – was “how people talk … behind closed doors”.

He then compared the remark, allegedly made in a meeting with senators, to a recorded phone conversation involving the then LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling which cost him control of the NBA team in 2014.

Sterling’s public downfall, Jay-Z said, led “all of the other closet racists [to] just run back in the hole”.

“You haven’t fixed anything,” he said. “You have sprayed perfume on the trash can. What you do when you do, that is the bugs come. You spray something and you create a superbug because you don’t take care of the problem.”

“You don’t take the trash out, you keep spraying whatever over it to make it acceptable. As those things grow, you create a superbug. And then now we have Donald Trump, the superbug.”

Earlier, Van Jones joked that Trump could lay claim to the title of “first hip-hop president” because of his famous appreciation for “bling.” Trump famously made cameos on several hip hop records in the 1990s and 2000s.

Following the Trump tweet, Van Jones was quick to respond, as The Hill reports, “Someone needs to inform @realdonaldtrump that I ALREADY asked Jay Z whether black employment figures redeem Trump’s presidency,” Jones tweeted Sunday.

“And Jay’s answer last night on the #VanJonesShow was POWERFUL !!!”


Jay-Z said during the interview with Jones that it’s “not about money at the end of the day.”

“Money doesn’t equate to happiness,” he said. “You treat people like human beings– That’s the main point.”

Right Jay-Z, life’s about Money, Cash… & Hoes…

Of course, this isn’t the first time Trump has touted the black unemployment rate; he brought it up in a tweet earlier this month.

However, as we pointed out, this claim of record-low black unemployment is, like most headline economic data published by the BEA, somewhat misleading.

A better way to phrase it would be number of black people not in the labor force reaches an all-time high.”


Just some food for thought…

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