It’s Tariff Time in America, ICE Head Complains about California, Scientists Identify Earhart’s Bones: P.M. Links

  • TrumpThe tariffs, they are happening. Mexico and Canada are exempt. Hope you enjoyed that brief period of additional income from that tax deal! Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) says he’s going to introduce legislation to “nullify” the tariffs.
  • Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan says California lawmakers should be thanking ICE for helping them deport “public safety threats.”
  • A judge is recommending that President Donald Trump “mute” rather than block people on Twitter to attempt to resolve a First Amendment challenge.
  • Scientists are pretty convinced they’ve found the bones of aviator Amelia Earhart on a South Pacific Ocean island.
  • A Missouri police officer was killed in a shootout with a resident after he was sent to the wrong address by 911 dispatchers. The man in the home was also found dead following the gunfire. It’s not clear yet whether he killed himself or was killed by police.
  • A 14-year-old California teen is accused of posing as sheriff’s deputy to try to get into people’s homes. He even allegedly pulled somebody over for a traffic violation, but let them off with a warning.
  • The United States issued a travel warning for tourists visiting Playa del Carmen in Mexico due to information about a “security threat.” Mexican officials insist everything’s fine and don’t know why the U.S. sent out the alert.

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