Elon Musk Deletes Spacex, Tesla Facebook Pages

Update: The Spacex Facebook page is gone…

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Seemingly escalating the war of words between Silicon Valley’s boy-billionaires, Elon Musk has tweet-stormed that he will delete the Facebook pages for Spacex and Tesla

Facebook shares are legging lower again…

As a reminder, Musk and Zuckerberg have been at war since 2016 when Elon Musk’s failed Spacex launch killed Zuckerberg’s satellite…

“As I’m here in Africa, I’m deeply disappointed to hear that SpaceX’s launch failure destroyed our satellite that would have provided connectivity to so many entrepreneurs and everyone else across the continent,” Zuckerberg wrote on Facebook hours after the incident.

“Fortunately, we have developed other technologies like Aquila that will connect people as well. We remain committed to our mission of connecting everyone, and we will keep working until everyone has the opportunities this satellite would have provided,” he added, referencing Facebook’s massive Internet-beaming drone.

Then it re-escalated last year when they disagreed vehemently over the future potential of AI

Elon Musk’s comments about AI’s “existential threat to human civilization” prompted a response from Mark Zuckerberg calling the Tesla CEO’s comments “pretty irresponsible.” Well Musk has struck back this morning, slamming the Facebook chief’s understanding of AI as “limited.”

And now Musk is counterpunching…

In a response to remarks from the co-founder of WhatsApp who told his millions of followers to #deletefacebook, Musk responded…

Musk additionally confirmed both Tesla and Spacex pages would be deleted and that his firm’s Instagram presence was “borderline.”

We suspect Zuckerberg will be slow to respond to this shot… he’s too busy preparing for his congressional testimony.

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