Stormy Daniels “Would Consider” A Settlement

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer (and former Democratic oppo research grunt) Michael Avenatti, has been making the cable TV rounds this week after filling a motion late Tuesday seeking to depose President Trump and his longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen. The motion followed a “60 Minutes” segment where his client’s pupils appeared to be in a state of mydriasis – a sign that she might’ve been high on one of any number of illicit or legal drugs.

Avenatti further stirred the pot by tweeting a photo of a compact disc in a safe, hinting that he might have “video evidence” of Daniels’ affair with Trump (for the record, Daniels has said she only slept with Trump one time).

Given the legal firepower that Trump has brought to bear against his client (and considering her claims that she was threatened by an individual she described as “thuggish”) it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise that, during an interview with CBS This Morning on Wednesday, Avenatti said he and his client – whose real name is Stephanie Clifford – might be open to a substantial cash exchange, also known in legal terms as “settlement.”

“If they came to you with a settlement in this case, would you accept it?” This Morning host Anthony Mason asked.

“I think we would consider it, I would converse with my client. It would depend on the terms of a settlement,” Daniels’ lawyer replied. “But at this point, I don’t see how the case gets resolved short of the truth coming out.”

Avenatti also pushed back on whether he has political motivations to embarrass the president (with one interviewer noting that he has been lambasted as a “political hack” by Trump’s allies), saying “my client wants the American people to know the truth.” Avenatti added that he and his client have a hearing next month.

Meanwhile, Trump’s legal team is seeking to move a lawsuit filed by Avenatti and Daniels to federal court.

Avenatti’s latest interview follows a dustup between him and and Cohen attorney David Schwartz where Avenatti declared that Cohen is a “thug” and Schwartz accused him of doctoring photos of Trump and Daniels, as well as a lie detector test that she reportedly took.

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