Vatican’s “Monsignor 500” Re-Arrested Amid Money Laundering Allegations

Monsignor Nunzio Scarano – dubbed “Monsignor 500” after his favorite bank-notewho is already on trial for allegedly plotting to smuggle 20 million euros from Switzerland to Italy, was arrested Tuesday in a separate case for allegedly using his Vatican accounts to launder a further 7 million euros. As AP reports, police said they seized 6.5 million euros in real estate and bank accounts Tuesday, including Scarano’s luxurious Salerno apartment, filled with gilt-framed oil paintings, ceramic vases and other fancy antiques. A local priest was also placed under house arrest and a notary public was suspended for alleged involvement in the money-laundering plot. Police said in all, 52 people were under investigation. Have no fear though, for his lawyer, “has good faith that the money came from legitimate donations.”


Via AP,

Scarano’s lawyer, Silverio Sica, said his client merely took donations from people he thought were acting in good faith to fund a home for the terminally ill. He conceded, however, that Scarano used the money to pay off a mortgage.


We continue to strongly maintain the good faith of Don Nunzio Scarano and his absolute certainty that the money came from legitimate donations,” Sica told The Associated Press.


The Salerno investigation was already under way when Scarano was arrested in June in Rome on the smuggling accusations.




Police and Sica described the laundering plot as follows: Scarano allegedly withdrew 555,248 euros from his Vatican account in cash in 2009 and brought it into Italy. Since he couldn’t deposit it in an Italian bank without drawing suspicion, he selected 50 friends to accept 10,000 euros apiece in cash in exchange for a check or wire transfer in that same amount.


The money then went to pay off a mortgage on a Salerno property held in the name of a company Scarano partly owned.



The Vatican’s top prosecutor said last week that the Holy See had responded to two official requests from Italy for information about Scarano’s accounts, while making its own request to Italian authorities for help in its own money-laundering investigation of him.


The Vatican’s own investigation into Scarano’s banking activity showed that some 7 million euros had come into and out of his Vatican accounts over the past decade.


The Vatican’s documentation arrived on Salerno prosecutors desks in recent weeks, leading to his re-arrest on Tuesday, Italian media reported.



Scarano’s initial arrest in the smuggling case was reduced to house arrest because of his ailing health. Sica said the prelate would serve the new arrest warrant also under house arrest.


In the Rome smuggling case, prosecutors say Scarano, a financier and a carabinieri officer devised an elaborate plot to transport 20 million euros in a private jet from Switzerland to Italy avoid paying customs duties. The plot fell apart because the financier reneged at the last minute.


Sica has said Scarano in that case was merely acting as a middleman.

So now we are losing faith and trust in our priests? Wht next – losing faith in central bankers?


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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