Trump Claims Bombshell Interview With Him Is ‘Fake News’

Donald Trump suggested today that a bombshell report published Thursday in a British tabloid—featuring audio of an exclusive interview with the president—is “fake news.”

In his interview with The Sun, Trump said he disagreed with U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May’s approach to Britain’s departure from the European Union. “I would have done it much differently. I actually told Theresa May how to do it but she didn’t agree, she didn’t listen to me,” Trump said of Brexit. “She should negotiate the best way she knows how. But it’s too bad what’s going on.”

But at a joint press conference with May today, Trump praised Britain’s prime minister and pushed back on the Sun‘s reporting. “I didn’t criticize the prime minister. I have a lot of respect for the prime minister. And unfortunately there was a story that was done, which was, you know, generally fine,” Trump said. “But it didn’t put in what I said about the prime minister. And I said tremendous things.”

Trump went on to suggest The Sun‘s report was fake news, claiming he had a recording of the interview to back that up. “Fortunately, we tend to record stories now, so we have it for your enjoyment if you like it. But we record when we deal with reporters. It’s called fake news,” Trump said.

The Sun also recorded the interview and posted the audio of Trump’s comments with its story.

Trump still said he apologized to May for his remarks. “She’s a total professional,” the president said. “I said, ‘I want to apologize because I said such good things about you,’ And she said, ‘Don’t worry, it’s only the press.'”

The Sun wasn’t the only outlet that drew Trump’s ire on Friday. During the press conference, a CNN reporter tried to ask Trump a question, but the president wasn’t having it. “CNN is fake news. I don’t take questions from CNN. John Roberts from Fox. Let’s go to a real network,” Trump said.

from Hit & Run

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