Green Beret Sniper And His “Military Friends” Are “Pissed” Over Kaepernick Nike Ad

Legendary Green Beret sniper and ex-UFC star Tim Kennedy says he’s boycotting Nike following their decision to spotlight former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick – as many in law enforcement and the military have taken offense to the ad’s tag-line of “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.” 

Kennedy – who is currently participating in a military school course at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, told TMZ that Nike’s ad is disrespectful to the US flag as well as to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces.

“When I walked into the team room this morning, there were some people who were fuming,” Kennedy tells TMZ Sports … “I’m not gonna speak for them, but there was no one happy about it.” –TMZ

Kennedy says that every member of the special forces in his team room had lost at least 10 friends who had “sacrificed everything.” 

“You can’t go around that room [in Fort Bragg] and not ask a guy if he could list on his two hands friends that have died from Special Forces,” said Kennedy, adding “I’m talking about REAL heroes and I’m surrounded by a bunch of them right now.”

Kennedy and his military friends aren’t the only group to take offense to Nike’s ad; the National Fraternal Order of Police has issued a press release, which reads in part: 

“Since 2016, 381 cops have been killed in the line of duty. They believed in something and sacrificed everything as did the families they left behind. All of the men and women in law enforcement believe in something and are prepared to sacrifice everything.” 

Perhaps Nike founder Phil Knight, who wouldn’t comment on Nike’s notorious child labor sweatshops, can opine on why they chose an anti-American spokesman? 

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