Socialism Always Ends In Destruction

Authored by Virginia Fidler via,

Every attempt at socialism has failed miserably. Venezuela is only the latest country that has tried to implement a socialist paradise, only to inevitably crumble and crash before our eyes. Socialism, and its natural progression, communism, has caused the deaths of 100 million people since its inception 100 years ago.

Just a few decades ago, Venezuela had massive oil reserves and an abundance of other resources. It enjoyed wealth and an excellent standard of living. Today, Venezuelans have no food, no medicine, and the country is driven by corruption and fear. While a starving population is in despair, many are desperately trying to flee paradise. The army, supported by President Madero, is in the street, ready to brutalize any dissenters. Madero and the military are not starving.

Socialism can only survive through corruption and intimidation. It’s a system tailor-made for corruption. And corruption may be Venezuela’s largest industry.

Despite that fact that every socialist paradise on earth has turned into hell, many American politicians, and their supporters are calling for socialism for America. Senators Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris are self-declared proud socialist, loudly singing its praises. Younger newcomers such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Andrew Gillum are joining the chorus.

With all the evidence to the contrary, why are so many Americans supporting the socialism their grandparents valiant fought against?

The very theory of socialism being a classless society is a sham. By necessity, socialism puts enormous despotic powers in the hands of only a few select people. It is clear why some politicians yearn to be among the chosen. However, it fails to explain why they are receiving a tremendous amount of support.

The U.S. Constitution is an irksome impediment to these politicians, with its checks and balances and annoying right to freedom. With freedom comes responsibility, and this is where socialist wannabes push the hardest. They, the politicians, will handle the responsibilities of daily life. They will feed you, clothed you, take care of your health, and help you think. Nothing is needed from you but absolute compliance. It’s all free, and to some, the promise can hold a great deal of appeal. By the time the promises remain unrealized, it’s too late. Power has been firmly grasped by the select few, and people’s lives are absolutely tied to the powers that be. It’s slavery by any other word. It was something the signers of the Constitution understood all too well.

Socialism rules every facet of a citizen’s life – as does slavery. It’s a relationship based on dependence and lies. Instead of equality, socialism shifts the wealth to a few loyal adherents at the top, while the masses at the bottom are left with increasingly less. It’s always been a house of cards, ready to tumble. Venezuela is simply the latest crash.

American schools are preparing the young for socialism. Political correctness reigns in classrooms, while free speech is gradually eroding. Millennials, wearing designer jeans, happily use their expensive, capitalist iPads to squash opposing opinions. All levels of American education have been deprived of any understanding of the Constitution and freedom. Students are encouraged not to think but to follow prevalent opinion. Unless real lessons return to the classroom, free speech will only be a memory. The designers of the Constitution knew that this document is the only thing standing between freedom and slavery. Get rid of the Constitution, and you eliminate the former with ease.

It is American parents that have delivered their children to this type of education. These parents, who should have known better but failed to speak out, opened the door to institutionalized group thinking. When parents fail to protect their young, the all-powerful state happily takes on the burden. Among today’s millennials, denouncing capitalism has become as chic as wearing flowers in their hair was to their parents. Schools are no longer teaching them about the 100 million who died under socialism.

The starving masses in Venezuela understand. Their prosperous oil industry is in ruins. Inflation is set to hit 1 million percent. President Maduro’s attempt at looping off zeros from the bolivar is considered a joke, except that no one is amused. Steve Hanke of the Cato Institute calls it “cosmetic surgery.” Maduro has implemented a new currency, the “petro,” which is linked to the country’s oil industry. The only problem is, Venezuela’s once-successful oil industry is rapidly failing. It has taken Maduro a mere five years to destroy Venezuela’s once-prosperous society.

Without a change in policy, Maduro’s efforts have been a band-aid on cancer. In Venezuela, life has been a matter of daily survival; starvation has become the norm. The government keeps printing worthless currency, but no one can afford to buy anything. Shops are closing every day. With their expensive iPhones in hand, this is what American millennials see a dream paradise. No one is asking what will happen once his or her dream turns into a nightmare.

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