Humpday Humor: How To Know When A Smile Is A Smirk On A Punchable Face

With all the hubbub surrounding the dasterdly deeds of the young men who attend Covington Catholic,’s Mac Slavo thought it appropriate to advise our readers of the facial expressions that may cause others around you to be triggered.

Sometimes a smile isn’t a smile.

And sometimes, your face may be punchable.

Here’s how you’ll know what to do and when, compliments of the fine folks at the Babylon Bee:

Hopefully that clears things up.

But we’re still a bit confused. Is it OK for Alyssa Milano to smile/smirk? We’re not sure. Maybe if she were wearing a MAGA hat we’d have a better picture of how we should react:

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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