Open Door Policies Won’t Lead to Fascism: New at Reason

Border BarrierA country cannot control outsiders without also controlling insiders. So if there’s an immigration policy that’s more likely to lead to fascism, it is restrictionism, not allowing willing Americans to consort with willing foreigners. In Arizona, for example, restrictionism has imposed racial profiling, forced residents of border communities to go through interior checkpoints every time they leave town, raided employers suspected of hiring undocumented immigrants, prosecuted humanitarian workers helping migrants, and more.

But neoconservative-turned-#NeverTrumper David Frum is having none of it. In a recent cover story in the Atlantic, he tries to pull a logical and moral jujitsu, arguing that a failure to cut immigration would lead to fascism. “If liberals don’t enforce borders,” he says, “fascists will.”

Reason Foundation Senior Analyst Shikha Dalmia debunks Frum, pointing out that his case is based on stunningly questionable and politically simplistic premises.

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