Biden To Label Trump An ‘Existential Threat’ During Cane-Shaking Campaign Stop In Iowa

Joe Biden plans to label President Trump as an “existential threat” to the nation during a Tuesday campaign stop in Iowa, according to Fox Newsciting Biden’s prepared remarks. Trump, meanwhile, will also be in Iowa for his own rally.

“You know, Donald Trump and I are both in Iowa today. It wasn’t planned that way, but I hope Trump’s presence here will be a clarifying event,” Biden will say. 

“I believe Trump is an existential threat to America,” the former VP will add. 

Biden will focus on how tariffs are reportedly affecting middle America: 

“America’s farmers have been crushed by his tariff war with China. No one knows that better than Iowa,” adding of Trump “He thinks he’s being tough. Well, it’s easy to be tough when someone else is feeling the pain.”

The former VP will then ask: “how many farmers across this state and across this nation have had to face the prospect of losing their business, of losing their farm because of Trump’s tariffs?”

Spotlighting the anxiety he said farmers are feeling, Biden will ask “how many have had to stare at the ceiling at night wondering how they’re going to make it? How many sleepless nights do you think Trump has had over what he’s doing to America’s farmers?

Answering his own question, the former vice president plans to say “just as many as he had when he stiffed the construction workers and electricians and plumbers who built his hotels and casinos. Zero.” And questioning why the president “just backed off his tariff threat with Mexico because he got some tough new deal,” Biden will say “maybe there’s some secret development yet to be revealed— but based on what we know, it seems more like old wine in new bottles.” –Fox News

Will Biden will talk about how many coal workers the Obama administration put out of work while he was Vice President? 

According to the released remarks, Biden will also argue “the truth is he’s scared – his economic folks told him his tough talk was about to cost to him Michigan and Ohio and Iowa.”

Perhaps Biden should run on a Make America Bow Again platform? 

The biggest question, however, is whether the former VP can get through the 2020 election without any more major gaffes…

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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