“Our Country Has Been Corrupted:” Billionaire Tom Steyer Launches Presidential Bid

Out with the old, in with the new.

The rumors were true. Billionaire hedge fund manager Tom Steyer is running for president. He joins the already overcrowded field of candidates one day after Eric Swalwell became the first contender to end his campaign, and as Joe Biden watches his lead shrink following a gaffe where he praised two pro-segregation senators.

In a campaign video and a series of tweets, Steyer, who financed a petition campaign and participated in a poorly attended speaking tour to convince Democrats to impeach President Trump, exhorted ‘the people’ to vote for him in order to take the country back from the special interests and the people who have rigged the system.

Steyer also railed about how politicians have placed ‘getting reelected’ over ‘doing what’s right.’ Cutting taxes for businesses has “corrupted our country” Steyer said. And he’s taken on corporations and won.

Not only is Steyer’s message extremely trite and unoriginal, it’s also difficult to believe. Steyer is a billionaire hedge fund manager. Not exactly the picture of a populist icon.

Steyer has reportedly decided to invest $40 million of his personal fortune in his campaign, and since Mike Bloomberg and Mark Cuban have opted not to run, Steyer has become the only billionaire in the race (though that could change). But that doesn’t make his campaign any less doomed.

Thanks to his financial largesse, Steyer will be able to stick around long after many of the other second-tier contenders have dropped out. So expect his campaign to endure at least through Iowa, which will give us plenty of opportunities to watch embarrassing footage of Steyer ranting to a nearly empty room.

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2G3BUAb Tyler Durden

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