British Doctors Forced To Tell Women Not to Put Ice Lollies In Their Vaginas To Cool Down

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via,

In the UK, heat waves tend to bring out even more stupid behavior that that which is already rampant.

Amidst record temperatures across the country, doctors are now telling young women not to put ice lollies in their vaginas to cool them down.

Yes, really.

“My advice would be to avoid any foreign bodies in the vagina for risk of infection,” said gynaecologist Dr Shree Datta.

“I would suggest loose cotton underwear and avoiding tight clothing to prevent any irritation and dermatitis developing.”

That sage advice was echoed by Dr Sarah Welsh, the co-founder of HANX condom brand, who cautioned women that putting ice lollies in their private parts could alter the natural pH of the vagina and cause further problems if the object was to break up inside.

“There are many things that should never go near a vagina and ice lollies are up there,” said Welsh.

“The ice can stick to the delicate skin of the vagina and cause real trauma and damage.”

Why such advice should even be necessary is too depressing to consider.

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