Trump Slams NYT After Leaker Reveals Pivot From ‘Russiagate’ To ‘Racism Witch Hunt’ 

President Trump slammed the “failing New York Times” on Sunday after leaked comments from executive editor Dean Baquet revealed that the paper is pivoting from the Russia narrative (which he described as being “a little tiny bit flat-footed”) to ‘Trump is a racist.’ 

“The failing New York Times, in one of the most devastating portrayals of bad journalism in history, got caught by a leaker that they are shifting from the Phony Russian Collusion Narrative (the Mueller Report & his testimony were a total disaster), to a Racism Witch Hunt,” Trump wrote on Twitter, adding “‘Journalism’ has reached a new low in the history of our Country. It is nothing more than an evil propaganda machine for the Democrat Party. The reporting is so false, biased and evil that it has now become a very sick joke…But the public is aware! The reporting is so false, biased and evil that it has now become a very sick joke…But the public is aware!”

Trump has been dinging the Times all weekend over Baquet Monday comments, which were covertly recorded and sent to Slate.

Talking about the pivot, Baquet said “I think that the story changed. A lot of the stuff we’re talking about started to emerge like six or seven weeks ago.” 

“How do we cover America, that’s become so divided by Donald Trump? How do we grapple with all the stuff you all are talking about? How do we write about race in a thoughtful way, something we haven’t done in a large way in a long time?” he continued. 

Conservatives latched on to Baquet’s comments, suggesting the Times was deliberately trying to cast Trump as a racist in a pre-ordained storyline now that the Russia investigation was wrapped up.

“The takeaway? The NYT says it is mapping out a narrative in advance of any naturally-occurring, true news events, and plans to shape all natural-occurring, true news events so that they are reported in the context of racism. This is what they believe their readers want,” tweeted “Full Measure” host Sharyl Attkisson, whose program runs on the conservative Sinclair television stations.

Trump retweeted Attkisson Saturday adding, “such a disgrace.” –NY Post

Meanwhile, the Washington Examiner‘s Byron York wonders if the public should “still view the Times as a news outlet? Or as something else?”  

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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