Trump Fires John Bolton After “Disagreeing Strongly With His Suggestions”

Trump Fires John Bolton After “Disagreeing Strongly With His Suggestions”

While there was some feverish speculation as to what an impromptu presser at 1:30pm with US Secretary of State Pompeo, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and National Security Adviser Bolton would deliver, that was quickly swept aside moments later when Trump unexpectedly announced that he had effectively fired Bolton as National Security Advisor, tweeting that he informed John Bolton “last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House” after “disagreeing strongly with many of his suggestions.

Mercifully, this means one less warmongering neo-con is left in the DC swamp.

While we await more details on this perplexing hit by Trump against the Deep State, here is a fitting closer from Curt Mills via the American Conservative:

Ending America’s longest war would be a welcome rebuttal to Democrats who will, day in and day out, charge that Trump is a fraud. But to do so, he will likely need a national security advisor more in sync with the vision. Among them: Tucker Carlson favorite Douglas Macgregor, Stephen Biegun, the runner-up previously, or the hawkish, but relatively pragmatic retired General Jack Keane.

Bolton seems to be following the well-worn trajectory of dumped Trump deputies. Jeff Sessions, a proto-Trump and the first senator to endorse the mogul, became attorney general and ideological incubator of the new Right’s agenda only to become persona non grata in the administration. The formal execution came later. Bannon followed a less dramatic, but no less explosive ebb and flow. James Mattis walked on water until he didn’t.

And Bolton appeared the leading light of a neoconservative revival, of sorts, until he didn’t.


Tyler Durden

Tue, 09/10/2019 – 12:06


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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