Double Agent? Dem’s Latest Impeachment Witness ‘Advised Ukrainian Government’

Double Agent? Dem’s Latest Impeachment Witness ‘Advised Ukrainian Government’

The latest in a growing line of witnesses in the Democrats’ impeachment probe has revealed himself: The New York Times reported last night that Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, an Iraq War veteran and top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, is planning to tell House impeachment investigators that he heard President Trump offer an explicit quid pro quo to the Ukrainian president.

It’s amazing that the Dems are calling more witnesses to testify to this fact – and, of course, leaking every “top secret” development to the New York Times – since the White House has already released a transcript of the July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. We can all determine for ourselves whether we thought Trump crossed the line, or not.We don’t need Witnesses to relay their opinion.

Alex Vindman

Already, many officials, including Zelensky himself, have said there was no quid pro quo.

But that apparently doesn’t matter to the NYT, or its MSM compatriots.

Vindman reportedly told the Times that he was on the call, and that he was so “sickened” by Trump’s behavior, he “twice registered internal objections about how Trump and his inner circle were treating Ukraine. He said he did this out of a sense of duty.

On Tuesday, he will become the first sitting White House official to testify in the impeach inquiry involving the country of his birth, as  the NYT’s Sheryl Gay Stolberg points out.

In a draft of his opening statement before the top-secret impeachment committee that was leaked to the NYT, Vindman claims that he is a “patriot”, and that he didn’t think Trump’s conduct was “proper.”

“I am a patriot and it is my sacred duty and honor to advance and defend our country irrespective of party or politics,” Vindman said.

“I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government’s support of Ukraine,” Colonel Vindman said in his statement. “I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained.”

Vindman reportedly moved to the US as a child from Ukraine, and as a result speaks Russian, Ukrainian and English fluently. Arriving as a refugee, he eventually served in the military, rising through the ranks, then achieving a Master’s Degree from Harvard in Russian, Eastern Europe and Central Asian Studies. He has an identical twin brother, Yevgeny Vindman, who is also a Lieutenant Colonol.

But lower down in the story, NYT investigative reporter Danny Hakim includes an interesting, unexplained, detail.

“While Colonel Vindman’s concerns were shared by a number of other officials, some of whom have already testified, he was in a unique position. Because he emigrated from Ukraine along with his family when he was a child and is fluent in Ukrainian and Russian, Ukrainian officials sought advice from him about how to deal with Mr. Giuliani, though they typically communicated in English.”

It’s something that Fox News host Laura Ingraham first pointed out on her show Monday night.

Stanford Law Professor and former Bush Administration lawyer John Yoo agrees this is suspicious: It almost sounds as if Vindman is acting as a double-agent for the Ukrainians and advising them against his own boss’s interests?

Read his testimony below:

Full by Zerohedge on Scribd

Tyler Durden

Tue, 10/29/2019 – 08:50


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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