Here’s How Reuters Gamed A Poll To Show Rising Support For Trump Impeachment

Here’s How Reuters Gamed A Poll To Show Rising Support For Trump Impeachment

After several major polls revealed a sharp decline in support for impeaching President Trump in the wake of unconvincing public testimony by aggrieved bureaucrats (and at least one House Democrat publicly opposing the move), Reuters/Ipsos now claims support for impeachment has increased.

The latest poll, conducted on Monday and Tuesday, found that 47% of adults in the United States felt Trump “should be impeached,” while 40% said he should not.

The result, combined with Reuters/Ipsos polling over the past several weeks, showed that the number of Americans who want to impeach the president increasingly outnumbers those who do not. –Reuters

The problem? Reuters sampled a disproportionate number of Democrats. Buried at the bottom of their report, they disclose:

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online, in English, throughout the United States. It gathered responses from 1,118 adults, including 528 Democrats, 394 Republicans and 111 independents. It has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of 3 percentage points.

In other words, Reuters sampled more Democrats than Republicans and independents combined to arrive at their conclusion. They also reveal that ” about eight in 10 Democrats [were] supportive of impeaching Trump, and eight in 10 Republicans opposed,” and that seven in 10 Republicans felt the House impeachment inquiry had not been conducted fairly.

Moreover, “Only two in 10 [Republicans] said an inquiry would be justified for a president who uses his powers for unfair political advantage over an opponent, as Trump is accused of doing.”

Reuters being Reuters…

As we noted during the 2016 US election, Reuters/Ipsos wasoversampling Democrats  when they found that Hillary Clinton had a giant lead over Donald Trump – using a poll that sampled 44% Democrats and 33% Republicans.

But hey, Adam Schiff needs something to back his claim that support for impeachment has grown “dramatically” over the past two months.

Tyler Durden

Wed, 11/27/2019 – 11:45


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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