The New Electric Hummer Makes Tesla’s Cybertruck Look Like A Kid’s Tonka Toy

The New Electric Hummer Makes Tesla’s Cybertruck Look Like A Kid’s Tonka Toy

General Motors has finally decided to bring back the Hummer: millennial style.

The Detroit automaker is going to be buying Super Bowl airtime to debut the Hummer as an all-electric pickup, carrying on the model’s lineage that was discontinued about a decade ago. GM has even signed LeBron James to appear in the commercial, which will air on February 2, according to CNBC

The vehicle is going to be sold under the GMC brand, instead of its own standalone brand. It is expected to go on sale by late 2021 or early 2022 and will likely be a direct competitor to Tesla’s Cybertruck, should the Cybertruck actually wind up being manufactured at some point.

And the Hummer looks badass.

Making the Hummer name – which used to be synonymous with gas guzzling – an EV was a big step. Karl Brauer, executive publisher of Cox Automotive called it a “perfect marriage”. 

The move comes at a time when pickups and SUVs continue to dominate in popularity with American auto buyers, despite the overall industry recession.

Brauer continued: “What automaker on the planet wouldn’t love to have the Hummer brand in its portfolio right now. There’s no indication they shouldn’t do this and every indication they should.”

We’re guessing the Hummer will resonate with a demographic that Tesla’s Cybertruck fails to. As one social media post points out:

The previous Hummer design from a decade ago included a short-lived pickup design, but the brand drew criticism and was ultimately discontinued as a part of GM’s bankruptcy in 2009 as gas prices surged and the model’s design developed a bad reputation as polluting the planet. 

The Hummer is expected to lead the way in a surge of new electric pickups to hit the market in coming years from companies like Ford and Rivian. 

Tyler Durden

Sun, 01/12/2020 – 09:55

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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