‘Trans’-Gression: “Female” Activist Who Flipped Out When Women Refused To Wax His Balls Attacks Reporter

‘Trans’-Gression: “Female” Activist Who Flipped Out When Women Refused To Wax His Balls Attacks Reporter

Just when you thought you finally get a read on someone as a calm, collected and thoughtful person – like the trans activist Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv who flipped out when women refused to wax his genitals – they go and attack a reporter.

Yes, the “well known trans activist” Yaniv is at once again, caught on camera attacking a journalist outside of a court in Surrey, B.C. earlier this week. 

Jonathan Jessica was filmed on January 13 leaving a courthouse by The Rebel reporter Keean Bexte, who posted video of Yaniv punching him. 

“J. Yaniv just punched me in the back of the head. Just spoke to police. Luckily there are two security cameras directly overhead at the courthouse. I need an Advil,” his tweet said.

The video shows Yaniv running what looks to be about 15 feet away from where he/she was walking to confront the reporter, flailing his/her arms wildly before throwing a couple of punches at the reporter.

The video clip has gone viral and now has over 1 million views.   

Bexte says police are “reluctant” to charge Yaniv: “Within several seconds, Yaniv charged me and punched the back of my head while holding me down. Police have been reluctant to charge him before, and so I’m speaking to legal counsel to figure out my options to make sure this menace sees justice.”

He/she was in court on a prohibited weapons charge to begin with after displaying a taser to another transgender activist during a social media debate about Yaniv’s complaints to the BC Human Rights Tribunal about the beauticians that wouldn’t wax him – a “ball” of a story that we covered here

“I don’t need to be scared in my own house, that I’m going to get (expletive) attacked,” he said during the debate, wielding a taser. 

But perhaps it isn’t Yaniv that needs to be cautious, according to LifeSiteNews.com:

The Gender Trender blog alleged that in May, June, and July 2018 a number of teenage girls took to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to claim Yaniv “pretended to be transgender” in order to access private Facebook groups for adolescent girls “where he spewed his creepy sexual fetishes about young women, menstruation, toilet and locker room fantasies.”

Last July, Jessica Rumpel filed a child sexual exploitation report against Yaniv with CyberTips for allegedly sexually harassing her when she was between the ages of 14 and 15. 

Meanwhile, the BC Human Rights Tribunal ultimately ruled that: “Human rights legislation does not require a service provider to wax a type of genitals they are not trained for and have not consented to wax.”

In fact, at the time, Ricky Gervais said it best:

Who says society isn’t making progress?

Tyler Durden

Wed, 01/15/2020 – 18:05

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/38aSyJT Tyler Durden

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