All Eyes On Bloomberg As Vegas Debate Marks First Clash With Candidates

All Eyes On Bloomberg As Vegas Debate Marks First Clash With Candidates

2020 Democratic presidential candidates will take the stage tonight for what will be their last opportunity to impress Nevada voters before Saturday’s statewide caucuses – the third nominating contest in the race.

Getty Images via The Hill

And while Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders will try to continue the momentum which has recently propelled him to front-runner status, and former Vice President Joe Biden attempts to pull out of a nosedive – things could get interesting, as it will mark former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s first debate after a rule change facilitated his qualification.

While Bloomberg isn’t competing in Nevada, he is expected to enter the 2020 race on Super Tuesday, March 3, according to The Hill.

Bloomberg became eligible for Wednesday’s debate after the Democratic National Committee (DNC) lifted a restriction that had excluded candidates from the stage unless they received donations from a certain number of supporters. Bloomberg, who often ranks among the world’s 20 richest people, is self-funding his campaign and not accepting campaign contributions.

Bloomberg received the 10 percent support needed in one last state or national poll in order to qualify, registering 19 percent in an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released early Tuesday. A campaign spokeswoman told The Hill over the weekend that if Bloomberg reaches that threshold he will debate the five other candidates who have already secured a spot on stage.

The former mayor is not known for his charisma, and his vast expenditure on TV advertising — around $350 million since launching his campaign in late November — has allowed him to get his message out without facing rebuttals from rivals, as he would on the debate stage. –The Hill

“I think it is all still up in the air,” said Nevada Democratic consultant, Katie Robbins. “Sen. Sanders has been on the ground here for a while, but so have a lot of the other campaigns. I don’t think anything is a done deal.

Candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) said on Friday that she welcomes Bloomberg’s participation because “I can’t beat him on the airwaves, but I can beat him on the debate stage.”

Meanwhile, the one recent poll in the Silver State shows Sanders leading with 25%. Conducted by the Las Vegas Review-Journal and WPA Intelligence, the poll has Biden in second at 18 percent, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) at 13%, Tom Steyer at 11%, and Buttigieg and Klobuchar tied at 10%.

Perhaps Buttigieg will either win or tie for first, as he did in the last two primary contests despite similarly polling much further behind the pack.

Tyler Durden

Wed, 02/19/2020 – 10:55

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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