Global Times Editor Trolls US – Says “Many Doubt” Virus Cases At 57

Global Times Editor Trolls US – Says “Many Doubt” Virus Cases At 57

Global Times editor Hu Xijin is trolling the US on Wednesday morning, tweeting that “the US is the country with potential large uncertainties,” referring to the possibility that the Covid-19 outbreak is much worse than reported in headlines. 

Xijin is feeling more confident in recent weeks after China’s desperate attempts to manipulate virus data via changing the definition of what a virus “infection” is has resulted in lower confirmed cases.

Xijin tweets that “many doubt,” the US has only 57 cases of the virus. 

He suggests the “biggest variable” for President Trump’s “economy” and “presidential election” is how the virus develops in the US.

And maybe that’s why the Trump administration has repeatedly sent their top economic advisor Larry Kudlow to major media outlets to continue to whistle the same tune that everything is “contained.”

However, a spate of ominous comments from US government officials on Tuesday afternoon warned Americans should prepare for a virus outbreak.

Despite top officials in the Trump administration calming fears, they’re planning to ask Congress for billions of dollars in emergency funding to combat the virus.

“Ultimately, we expect we will see community spread in this country,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said Tuesday at a news conference.

Health Secretary Alex Azar said at the Tuesday Senate panel hearing that the US doesn’t have enough stockpiles of masks and ventilators to fight the virus and one of the reasons why the Trump administration is requesting emergency funds from Congress.

And maybe Xijin, who suggests the US is underreporting cases, is entirely correct. If so, then the CDC’s latest warning of a virus outbreak could be devastating for the economy, already in a slump, along with sentiment in an election year. 

Tyler Durden

Wed, 02/26/2020 – 15:50

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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