Twitter Won’t Remove Chinese Official’s Conspiracy Theory Suggesting US Army Secretly Infected Wuhan With COVID-19

Twitter Won’t Remove Chinese Official’s Conspiracy Theory Suggesting US Army Secretly Infected Wuhan With COVID-19

While Zero Hedge remains banned from Twitter for suggesting that a Chinese level-4 biolab experimenting with bat coronavirus (which is 96% genetically identical to COVID-19) – located roughly 900 feet from the Wuhan wet-market widely considered as ‘ground zero’ for the new disease – may have had something to do with the global outbreak the novel coronavirus, Twitter has refused to delete a conspiracy theory from a Chinese official accusing the US Army of introducing it into Wuhan.

Conspiracy theorist Lijian Zhao, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lijian Zhao claimed in a tweet this week that “It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan,” citing prior televised testimony by CDC Director Robert Redfield in which he said that early COVID-19 cases were mistaken for regular influenza. 

According to Quartz, “The conspiracy posits that 300 athletes from the US military who in October attended the 7th Military World Games in Wuhan, where the epidemic first broke out, were infected with the virus, thereby spreading it in China.”

And according to the Daily Caller, “A tweet from Chinese politician Lijian Zhao suggesting the United States is trying to keep secret a plan to inject the virus into China does not violate Twitter rules, a company spokesman said. The spokesman reiterated the company’s existing rules but did not provide a reason for speaking anonymously.”

Heaven forbid Twitter choose a CCP conspiracy theory over Occam’s razor.

Tyler Durden

Fri, 03/13/2020 – 13:38

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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