Silver Crashes To $11 Handle – To 11-Year Lows

Silver Crashes To $11 Handle – To 11-Year Lows

Silver has been clubbed like a baby seal this morning, crashing to an $11 handle…

Plunging Silver to its lowest since January 2009

And while precious metals are getting pummelled…

Compared to gold, silver is a bloodbath…

As Mike Maloney notes below:

“At no time in human history has silver been this cheap relative to gold.”

Interestingly, even though gold and silver prices are down, dealers are facing shortages of one-ounce bullion coins. Maloney explains how in the past such imbalances have produced bull markets in precious metals.

Tyler Durden

Mon, 03/16/2020 – 10:39

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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