Elon Musk To His Workers: “You’re More Likely To Die In A Car Crash Than From Coronavirus”

Elon Musk To His Workers: “You’re More Likely To Die In A Car Crash Than From Coronavirus”

Elon Musk is telling his workers that they have a higher risk of dying in a car crash than from coronavirus, in what has become the latest in a string of actions Musk appears to be taking to try and downplay the pandemic crisis that the globe now faces.

In a company-wide e-mail on Friday, Musk said that the evidence surrounding the virus “suggests that this is *not* within the top 100 health risks in the United States,” according to BuzzFeed. Musk said in the e-mail that employees who feel ill should stay home.

His e-mail continued: “Isn’t C19 growing so fast that it will soon become a top 100 health risk for people who are otherwise healthy and young to middle-aged? The trends do not support this conclusion. Among other things, the media is using the ‘presumed’ positive number of C19 cases, not the *confirmed* number.”

Musk also added to his pompous diatribe: “As a basis for comparison, the risk of death from C19 is *vastly* less than the risk of death from driving your car home. There are about 36 thousand automotive deaths per deaths [sic], as compared to 36 so far this year for C19.”

That is, of course, unless your “car” is a Tesla on Autopilot…

While other cities and corporations are taking precautions and locking down their employees, Musk’s SpaceX in Hawthorne, California, and Tesla’s offices and factories, remain open.

Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security told BuzzFeed: “It doesn’t make logical sense comparing those types of things. This virus is not a containable virus, and while most people do well with it, there is a proportion that don’t. People may end up dying from this, and we should be focused on trying to limit people’s exposure.”

“Once we saw what happened with the windows of the [Cybertruck], maybe we should be worried about those crashes,” Brandon Brown, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of California, commented.

It was just days ago that we reported that America’s favorite sociopath CEO had Tweeted out that the coronavirus panic was “dumb”. Just hours after that, he again took to Twitter to double down on his statement and defend his reasoning using a word salad of half-assed smart-sounding terms that amounted to one giant non-sequitur.

Asked by another Twitter user what his reasoning was for calling the panic “dumb”, Musk responded by Tweeting:

“Virality of C19 is overstated due to conflating diagnosis date with contraction date & over-extrapolating exponential growth, which is never what happens in reality. Keep extrapolating & virus will exceed mass of known universe!”

One thing Musk may want to start extrapolating, however, is what happens when a cash strapped money losing company watches its worldwide production and demand simultaneously come to a halt at the time its stock crashes. And, continuing to extrapolate, what happens to its CEO who has loans against all of his shares? 

And one more extrapolation: what happens when that company is a key piece in a house of cards that holds up several other business ventures?

Tyler Durden

Mon, 03/16/2020 – 16:00

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/38SrvmI Tyler Durden

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