No Refunds: Costco Hoarders Discover They Can’t Return Toilet Paper

No Refunds: Costco Hoarders Discover They Can’t Return Toilet Paper

Panic hoarders who rushed into Costco to buy years-worth of toilet paper are finding themselves out of luck when it comes to the big-box store’s typically generous return policy.

Those who have regrets after realizing that COVID-19 isn’t a ‘pooping disease’ were met with signs at various Costco locations informing them that they won’t be able to return all that toilet paper, paper towels, sanitizing wipes, water, rice and lysol they bought in anticipation of a societal collapse, according to brobible.

Costco, meanwhile, may have over-bought in anticipation of sustained demand which has petered out.

It looks like “the whole toilet-paper craze has calmed down,” tweeted one shopper.

Now what to do with all that TP?

Tyler Durden

Mon, 03/23/2020 – 19:45

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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