“I’d Send In The Army For An Invasion”: Trump Addresses Botched “Little” Venezuela Raid On FOX

“I’d Send In The Army For An Invasion”: Trump Addresses Botched “Little” Venezuela Raid On FOX

President Trump on Friday addressed in greater detail the bizarre events of Sunday and Monday which witnessed two American ex-special forces soldiers attempt to lead a small ‘invasion’ force of Venezuelan defectors and mercenaries into the country. The plot was foiled the minute they came ashore on fishing boats, leading to a propaganda victory for Nicolas Maduro, as he later paraded the American contractors in front of state TV cameras throughout the week.

Trump called into Fox & Friends and had some candid remarks, saying “If I wanted to go into Venezuela I wouldn’t make a secret about it.” He again denied that he or the US government had anything to do with it, calling it “rogue”, and insisting that if it were an officially sanctioned op, it would have certainly been a proper “invasion” with an “army”.

“If I wanted to go into Venezuela, I wouldn’t make a secret about it. I wouldn’t send a small little group, it’d be called an Army,” Trump said.

“If we ever did anything with Venezuela, it wouldn’t be that way. It’d be slightly different. It’d be called an invasion,” the president asserted.

“It was’t led by General George Washington obviously. This wasn’t a good attack. I think they were caught before they ever hit land. I know nothing about it,” he added.

This after Maduro along with top Caracas officials have claimed to be in possession of “evidence” Trump as well as Colombian leaders ordered the failed raid, intended to spark a mass uprising eventually leading to the overthrow and US capture of the socialist leader.

Two days ago 34-year old captured American Luke Denman was made to issue a “confession” broadcast on Venezuelan television wherein he claimed the coup plot was ordered by President Trump. Likely this is the “evidence” to which Maduro has been referring. 

Image source: Miraflores Palace presidential press office/AP.

Maduro has also presented the personal documents and passports of Americans Airan Berry and Luke Denman in an online news conference in Caracas Wednesday. 

The group of a least a dozen men, who were trained by Florida-based private security firm Silvercorp, are still in Venezuelan custody, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo earlier said the US is working to get the Americans back.

Video “confession” of Luke Denman wherin he says Trump ordered the covert operation to “secure” Caracas and oust Maduro:

The Pentagon and State Department have formally denied involvement

“As President Trump and [Defense Secretary Mark] Esper said, the United States government was not involved in recent events in Venezuela. There is a major disinformation campaign underway by the Maduro regime, making it difficult to separate facts from propaganda,” a State Department spokesperson told Fox News late Tuesday.

“We are making efforts to learn more, including about the activities of two U.S. Citizens who are reportedly in the custody of the former regime, as well as Mr. Goudreau.”

US authorities are said to be investigating Silvercorp, the apparently ‘rogue’ operation, and its founder and head, ex-Green Beret Jordan Goudreau – who has been speaking to reporters from Florida and confirmed being behind the failed and somewhat embarrassing operation.

Tyler Durden

Fri, 05/08/2020 – 19:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3fz74Qg Tyler Durden

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