Meanwhile In Britain, Cereal Is Racist…

Meanwhile In Britain, Cereal Is Racist…

Tyler Durden

Wed, 06/17/2020 – 05:00

Via Vox Populi blog,

Coco Pops have been a much-loved breakfast staple for decades with one of the most recognisable mascots in TV advertising.

But Coco the Monkey has come under suspicion from disgraced former Labour MP Fiona Onasanya, who has written to Kellogg’s asking why they chose that animal to represent the chocolate-flavoured cereal when Rice Krispies uses ‘three white boys’.

Ms Onasanya, who was jailed for three months in January 2019 after she was convicted of lying to police about a speeding ticket, says that there is little difference between Coco Pops and sister brand Rice Krispies beyond their colour and flavour.

The former Peterborough MP revealed she has emailed Kellogg’s UK office for clarification on why Rice Krispies have ‘three white boys’ as a mascot whereas chocolate-flavoured Coco Pops is represented by a monkey.

I wonder what these lunatics are going to do when they find out that some morning racists are actually “browning” their toast.

Kellogg’s, of course, didn’t hesitate to cuck on command.

And finally most ironically, as Breitbart reports, most likely unbeknown to Ms Onasanya, the Kellogg Foundation is a major funder of left-wing causes, with deep ties to billionaire activist George Soros, giving large donations to Soros’ Open Society Institute.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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