No ‘V’ – US “Leading” Economic Indicators Barely Bounce After Biggest Crash In 60 Years

No ‘V’ – US “Leading” Economic Indicators Barely Bounce After Biggest Crash In 60 Years

Tyler Durden

Thu, 06/18/2020 – 10:10

Great news America! Leading Economic Indicators ‘soared’ 2.8% MoM in May – the biggest monthly gain ever.

  • The biggest positive contributor to the leading index was jobless claims at 1.9

  • The biggest negative contributor was ISM new orders at -0.48

However, this bounce follows the record collapse in March and April…

Source: Bloomberg

However, for all those banking on a “V”-shaped recovery to match the market’s euphoria… it’s an epic fail…

If you look really carefully, you can see the “recovery“.

Isn’t this supposed to be leading?

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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