US Confirms Record 50k Jump In COVID-19 Infections As Total Nears 3 Million: Live Updates

US Confirms Record 50k Jump In COVID-19 Infections As Total Nears 3 Million: Live Updates

Tyler Durden

Thu, 07/02/2020 – 07:07


  • US reports ~50k deaths largest daily total yet
  • Texas hospitalizations pass California’s for 1st time
  • Dr. Gottlieb: ‘Outbreak will peter out by January, one way or another’
  • Russia sees daily cases slowing modestly
  • Brazilian death toll tops 60k
  • India cases top 600k
  • Mexico passes Spain for world’s 6th-biggest death toll
  • Tokyo reports another 100 cases


After no fewer than 5 states (including California and Texas) reported record daily totals (with Texas and Arizona also reporting their largest daily body counts in weeks, if not since the beginning of the pandemic), the US reported a new record daily tally, with the daily number surpassing 50k for the first time.

Nationwide, 7% of tests administered are coming back positive, a new high reached even as testing capacity has improved (though parts of Texas and Florida are reportedly still struggling with long lines and poor response times).

According to JHU data, the US confirmed 49,286 cases in 24 hours, while the US death toll hit 128,062.

The 7-day average for deaths nationwide ticked higher, but only modestly.

Hospitalizations in Texas surpassed California for the first time.

In Georgia, Gov Brian Kemp has watched positive tests triple as testing capacity has expanded only slightly.

More than one-quarter of US states have reported record daily totals in the past week, and in Arizona, one-quarter of all COVID-19 tests are coming back positive.

Across California, and more broadly across the country, more states are closing down indoor dining entirely, or, like in New York, pushing back dates for planned reopening, leaving any restaurants without outdoor space entirely dependent on delivery (raising the question: why even own a restaurant?).

In California – which just shut down indoor dining in 19 counties Confirmed cases in California have increased nearly 50% over the past two weeks, and COVID-19 hospitalizations have gone up 43%. Newsom reported nearly 5,900 new cases and 110 more deaths in 24 hours.

Appearing on CNBC Thursday morning one day before the long holiday weekend, former FDA commisioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb warned that the outbreak likely won’t finally be over until January – either because we’ve found a vaccine, or because by then, so many people will have been infected that it will naturally mitigate the spread.

In a way, Gottlieb’s comments echoed a remark from President Trump made during an interview with Fox Business last night where the president was seemingly throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what might stick, hinting that he had plans involving the minimum wage and more handouts to workers in a fabled stimulus bill that has been whispered about, though Mitch McConnell said yesterday that it’s making little progress.

“I think we are going to be very good with the coronavirus…I think that, at some point, that’s going to sort of just disappear, I hope.”

In California, Gov Gavin Newsom lamented the spread as “particularly concerning” before expanding closings,

“The bottom line is the spread of this virus continues at a rate that is particularly concerning,” he said.

But the US isn’t the only country seeing a resurgence, as we pointed out yesterday, and several times in recent days. Worldwide, daily case numbers are hitting levels previously unseen. Mexico’s death toll just passed Spain’s, and Brazil’s outbreak is still out of control. Peru and Chile have also seen virus numbers climb, as the outbreak worsens across Latin America.

Russia’s outbreak has slowed somewhat, though the country still reported 6,760 new infections Thursday, pushing its nationwide tally to 661,165. Officials reported 147 deaths over the last 24 hours, bringing the official death toll to 9,683.

In Japan, Tokyo just reported more than 100 cases as another cluster appears to be emerging in Japan’s capital, even though Japan has proved surprisingly resistant to the virus. As expected, India surpassed 600k confirmed infections as the outbreaks in Mumbai in New Delhi continue to rage, along with many other clusters across the country, as officials prepare to conduct a ‘covid-19 audit’ of New Delhi’s entire population of nearly 30 million. Brazil, meanwhile, has seen its death toll pass 60k, with 60,632 deaths.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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