Woman Who Refused To Wear Mask In Starbucks To Sue Barista For Half Of $100K GoFundMe

Woman Who Refused To Wear Mask In Starbucks To Sue Barista For Half Of $100K GoFundMe

Tyler Durden

Mon, 07/20/2020 – 19:50

A San Diego yoga instructor who refused to wear a mask in Starbucks says she plans to sue a barista who wouldn’t serve her.

Amber Lynn Gilles took to Facebook earlier this month in a now-deleted entry, posting a photo of the barista, Lenin Gutierrez – complaining that he “refused to serve me cause I’m not wearing a mask. Next time I will wait for cops and bring a medical exemption.”

After Gilles’ post went viral, Orange County resident Matt Cowan started a GoFundMe – which received over $100,000 in donations.

And Gilles wants half of it.

“It was discrimination and everybody is OK with it and enabling and rewarding that behavior,” she said, adding that she has medical conditions which prevent her from wearing a mask. “One of them I get shortness of breath, dizziness and it messes with the heartbeat. And I do have asthma as well, and I do get mask-acne. So there’s several things going on and not only that but it doesn’t even work.”

She provided KGTV with two documents to prove her medical exemption. One is a pelvic exam from 2015 with results that say “probable exophytic fibroid arising from the anterior wall of the uterus measuring 2.9 cm size,” and “simple 2.5 cm left ovarian cyst.” A second piece of paper is a handwritten note with letterhead from a San Diego chiropractor who she asked not be named. The handwritten note reads “Amber has underlying breath conditions that prevent her from wearing a mask or any type of facial covering whatsoever. Please contact me if have any questions.”

When that chiropractor who wrote the note was called, he said he could not discuss her situation. When Gilles was asked why a chiropractor gave her a breathing-related medical exemption, she responded “because they are dedicated to providing non-invasive personalized care and treatment. They are real doctors.” –WTVR

When asked if she wanted to apologize or had a message for the public, Gilles – who’s been labeled a “Karen,” said “No absolutely not. I feel like I need the apology. I’ve been discriminated against, I’m the one who’s sick.”

Gilles says she’s too broke to sue right now, and has set up a GoFundMe to raise money for ‘expensive’ lawyers.


via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2WEUrLL Tyler Durden

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