Watch Live: Day 3 Of Judge Barrett’s Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings

Watch Live: Day 3 Of Judge Barrett’s Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings

Tyler Durden

Wed, 10/14/2020 – 08:55

Having been accused of using LGBTQ-offensive language (“sexual preference”) by Sen. Hirono, slammed for havbing no “empathy” by Sen. Booker, misrepresented constantly by various senators (Blumenthal and Coons for example), Judge Amy Coney Barret faces a second day of questioning today in her confirmation process.

Hopefully more of the utter f**king idiocy will not be there today…

A quick summary of Day One:

  • On abortion and Roe v. Wade: Barrett repeatedly declined to give her views on high-profile, contentious issues like abortion rights and the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. She was repeatedly asked about her views of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark case establishing a constitutional right to abortion, and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which reaffirmed its central holding in 1992.

  • The Affordable Care Act: Barrett also rejected Democratic senators’ questions on the Affordable Care Act, citing Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s response to answering hypothetical questions during her hearing in 1993. “No hints, no previews, no forecasts,” said Barrett. Sen. Kamala Harris stuck to her Democratic colleagues’ approach, connecting her nomination to the future of the health care law and telling Barrett that the American people are afraid the Affordable Care Act will be “destroyed in the middle of a pandemic.”

  • On a possible election case: Barrett did not commit to recusing herself from a potential Trump v. Biden case. The issue was raised when Vermont Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy asked ‪Barrett if she would commit to recusing herself from any case related to the November elections. She declined.

  • On the nomination process: Barrett gave a surprisingly candid response to a question from Sen. Lindsey Graham on how it felt to be nominated for the Supreme Court of the United States. Barrett said that she tried “a media blackout for the sake of my mental health,” but is “aware of a lot of caricatures that are floating around” of her and her family.

…and all without the help of copious notes…

Watch Live (Starts at 0900ET):

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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