Is An Upside Start To 2021 Setting Up For A Classic Rug-Pull?

Is An Upside Start To 2021 Setting Up For A Classic Rug-Pull?

Real Investment Advice’s Lance Roberts explains in a Monday morning market update that the stock market could see additional upside but warns a correction could be nearing. 

Roberts tells investors stocks could be setting up for another push higher as momentum and margin debt increases as this may generate the classic “rug-pull” scenario, resulting in a 10-20% correction. 

He said Georgia Senate runoffs and a potential reversal in the dollar could spark market volatility.

Technically speaking, Roberts said the market is highly overextended, and a potential quick selloff is  nearing. 

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For more commentary on the overvalued stock market and a compelling argument that a correction is ahead, read “Overconfidence Meets Impatience To Set Up The Crash Of 2021.” 

Tyler Durden
Mon, 01/04/2021 – 14:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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