Watch Live: Biden Administration Holds First White House Press Briefing

Watch Live: Biden Administration Holds First White House Press Briefing

The White House press corps probably hasn’t been this happy since Nov. 7, 2016.

Hours after Wednesday’s socially-distanced inauguration, which featured a field of flags and a small number of VIPs, ended, President Joe Biden is about to hold his first press briefing in office.

After Wednesday’s inauguration and a stopover to meet with Congressional leaders for the first time, President-elect Biden received an escort to the White House at 1500ET. After that, Biden signed a flurry of executive orders and implemented other presidential actions, which were first officially announced Wednesday morning.

Now, incoming Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki will no doubt give the press pool members and opportunity to ask questions about all the great new policies being unilaterally ordered by Joe Biden (in a manner reminiscent of President Trump’s EOs, which Dems once slammed as bypassing Congress), and how much better they are than the policies adopted by Trump and his administration.

In her first tweet form the @PressSec account, Psaki asked the public to tweet questions at her, promising to answer a few in a video earlier in the week.

Biden will also swear in “day one presidential appointees” in a virtual ceremony Wednesday evening.

The public should probably expect briefings from Psaki, Biden, Harris and members of the administration (including, of course, Dr. Fauci) every day for at least the next 10 days as Biden prepares his opening blitz of policies intended to undo President Trump’s legacy.

Watch the briefing live below. It’s slated to start at 1900ET.

Tyler Durden
Wed, 01/20/2021 – 18:55

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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