Watch: CNN’s Jim Acosta Flabbergasted After Journo Confronts Over Cuomo Media Blackout

Watch: CNN’s Jim Acosta Flabbergasted After Journo Confronts Over Cuomo Media Blackout

CNN’s Jim Acosta was visibly flummoxed outside of CPAC in Orlando on Friday, after a crowd began chanting “CNN Sucks!” while he was trying to interview people – followed by an unexpected line of questioning from The Federalist‘s David Marcuswho demanded to know why CNN isn’t covering two major scandals involving New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

“When are you guys gonna start covering [Governor Andrew] Cuomo?” asks Marcus.

Acosta, visibly perturbed by the interruption, started to claim “We do, we do cover that.”

Marcus pressed on – at one point parrying an attempt to ‘box him out’ – telling Acosta: “No, you don’t. He killed 10,000 people and he’s being accused of sexual assault, and you guys want to talk about Ted Cruz.”

To which Acosta shot back: “Let me just finish this interview and then I’ll talk to you, OK?”

Marcus then demanded that Acosta opine on Cuomo’s scandals.

“I’m here to do a job right now; I’m not here to talk to you,” the CNN journo shot back.


(h/t The Post Millennial)

As the Daily Mail noted on Thursday, CNN, ABC, CNN and MSNBC have devoted little to no time discussing Cuomo’s nursing home scandal, or explosive new sexual harassment claims levied against the New York governor.

ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC on Wednesday avoided discussing the explosive new sexual harassment claims against New York Gov Andrew Cuomo during their evening news broadcasts.  

Earlier on Wednesday, Lindsey Boylan, shared on Medium that during her more than three years in the Democrat’s administration, Cuomo ‘would go out of his way to touch me on my lower back, arms and legs,’ compared her to one of his rumored ex-girlfriends and once remarked they should play strip poker. 

And according to Fox News, which cited Grabien transcripts, ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS’ Evening News, and NBC’s Nightly News made no mention of Cuomo or the allegations against him. 

CNN and MSNBC also skipped over the allegations against the governor whose spokesperson Caitlin Girouard said that all Boylan’s ‘claims of inappropriate behavior are quite simply false’.

During CNN host Chris Cuomo’s segment Wednesday night, he discussed why Democrats can’t get a deal on pandemic relief, the January 6 Capitol riot and the Boeing 777 incident from last weekend.  

Maybe Marcus learned to interrupt people from Acosta?

Tyler Durden
Fri, 02/26/2021 – 15:35

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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