Trouble With The Ghislaine Maxwell Case?

Trouble With The Ghislaine Maxwell Case?

Authored by Techno Fog via The Reactionary,

On Tuesday, a motion was unsealed in the Ghislaine Maxwell case that give us serious concerns about the government’s case against Maxwell.

I’ll make this brief. The unsealed motion had to do with Maxwell’s recently rejected motion for release on bail. It had been sealed because it references documents that are still under seal. You can read the full motion for release on bail here.

I won’t go through the whole motion – only the parts that stand out.

First, Maxwell makes the accusation that “the government concedes it cannot establish that either Ms. Maxwell or Epstein ever caused, or sought to cause, Accuser-3 to travel while she was a minor or that she was underage when she allegedly engaged in sex acts with Epstein.”

In support of this claim, Maxwell’s lawyers cite to the still-sealed filing by the government.

Maxwell’s attorneys explain that this matters because victim’s “allegations cannot support the conspiracies charged in the Indictment, leaving the government with only two witnesses to prove the charges against Ms. Maxwell.”

Second, Maxwell alleges that the government “produced documents indicating that government prosecutors misled a federal judge to obtain evidence against Ms. Maxwell.”

This wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York get into trouble. Recently, they were found to have failed to disclose evidence against a criminal defendant and then lying about their failure to disclose the evidence.

One Final Note

The Court has not yet unsealed the government motion that Maxwell’s lawyers reference in their latest filing. We’ll be posting that document in full once it is released to the public.


Tyler Durden
Thu, 03/25/2021 – 18:20

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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