Over 11 Million Americans Are Still On Pandemic Jobless Benefits (Despite 9 Million Job Openings)

Over 11 Million Americans Are Still On Pandemic Jobless Benefits (Despite 9 Million Job Openings)

Initial Jobless claims continued their slide week-over-week (from 385k to 376k), but remain near pandemic lows (but are still almost double those pre-pandemic levels)…

Source: Bloomberg

However, there are still over 15 million Americans on some form of government dole…

Source: Bloomberg

And despite over 9 million job openings, over 11 million Americans remain on some form of pandemic-specific unemployment benefits…

Source: Bloomberg

As the chart shows, there has been very little movement OFF the pandemic-based dole in over a year.

Will the Democrats ever allow those couch-sitters to be free of government handouts?

Tyler Durden
Thu, 06/10/2021 – 08:55

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/3wdgWXF Tyler Durden

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