Jersey City Mayor Wishes He Asked Media Not to Release Name of Cop Killer, Compares Killing to Columbine, Newtown

fulop full ofSteven Fulop, the mayor of Jersey City, where a
police officer, Melvin Santiago, was shot and killed while
responding to an armed robbery call last weekend, has penned a
column to explain the “lessons” he learned from the tragedy.
 The op-ed leaves the impression that the mayor has missed
some basic civics/constitution lessons somewhere along the way even
though he’s got the substance-less rhetoric thing down cold.

He thinks he should’ve asked the media not to run the cop
killer’s name, Lawrence Campbell, which ought to be a ridiculous
notion. The Star Ledger, where the column ran, and other
local papers should make it clear to Fulop and other political
leaders that that’s not the way they work (unless, sadly, it is).
explains his wish

With hindsight, if I could do it over, I would have shared with
media the reprehensible action but asked journalists not to report
the name of the killer. As a society in a 24-hour news cycle, we
filled the killer’s last desire.

Infamy has become a common request of killers. The media,
providing what it believes the public wants, constantly fulfills
the request by reporting on the incident essentially as the killer
requested. Whether it was Newtown or Columbine or this Jersey City
police killer, I think we as a community can learn here and do
better by not giving the killers what they so desire.

Even if police hadn’t shot and killed Campbell after he
allegedly killed a cop but merely taken him into custody, it would
be inappropriate to withhold the name of someone being accused of
murder. For different reasons it’s not appropriate to withhold the
name of someone that was killed by police, even if it was during
the alleged commission of a crime. Fulop should know this kind of

It gets worse. Residents where Campbell lived
put up a memorial
after he was killed and the mayor, proudly,
ordered it taken down. Campbell’s wife, grieving the loss of her
told a news reporter
she wished he would’ve taken more cops
with him if they were going to kill him anyway, something that
enraged other residents of Jersey City, cops across the state, and
some members of the media. Eventually she apologized for her
comment. Jersey City’s mayor thinks he needs to get people like
Campbell’s wife (and, presumably, Campbell) on the same page he
thinks he and the rest of Jersey City is on. From the op-ed:

The wife’s comments and the shrine are appalling, yes …
disgusting, yes … and ignorant, yes. Still, this gives us the
chance to think about where we as a community have not connected
along the way in that some people can feel this way toward our
society. Every city in this nation puts police out every single day
to protect residents, yet every city also has people that, sadly,
feel as the killer’s wife does.

So, this becomes a teachable moment we shouldn’t just discard
because we are shocked by the brutality of her comments. Yes, it is
a long-term fix that includes better education leading to secure
jobs and a justice system that is equitable. It is easier to
dismiss her comments, but, though much harder, it is appropriate —
as elected officials and members of society — to try to understand
why she feels that way.

As we said in the Marine Corps, we can’t leave anyone behind,
and in this case we are missing some people at some level.

It’s like a play on that old military slogan, he’s said so
little with so much he could say nothing forever.

Fulop also pointed out that many other municipalities in Hudson
County (some of whom are not doing well fiscal-wise) “volunteered”
to send officers to patrol Jersey City so that Jersey City cops
could attend Santiago’s funeral. This rather unsurprising
inter-city show of support by cops, for Fulop, was evidence that
elected officials “can work together behind the scenes for the
greater good.”

Despite a
in a leaked police memo about gang members in other
towns being encouraged to come to Jersey City to kill a police
officer and that gang members were hiding assault rifles in
abandoned building, no other cop have been shot or otherwise
targeted since last weekend.

from Hit & Run

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