New Snowden Profile in Wired Reveals New NSA Secrets Like ‘MonsterMind’

No doubt somebody has already accused him of trying to hide behind the flag.James Bamford, the national
security journalist and author who himself had once been threatened
with prosecution over his writings about the National Security
Agency’s (NSA) activities decades ago, has gone to Russia to sit
down with Edward Snowden. From the meeting, he put together a
of the NSA whistleblower for a massive piece in
Wired magazine.

In addition to the typical biographical background and the
description of how Snowden’s life is playing out in Russia (pretty
tame—Snowden doesn’t appear to get around much), Bamford came back
with two new scoops.

First, back in 2012
Syria had a major Internet outage
amidst its civil war.
 Naturally, people assumed this was done somehow by President
Bashar al-Assad or loyalists in order to censor opposition. It was
not. It was caused by the United States, and it was an

One day an intelligence officer told [Snowden] that TAO—a
division of NSA hackers—had attempted in 2012 to remotely install
an exploit in one of the core routers at a major Internet service
provider in Syria, which was in the midst of a prolonged civil war.
This would have given the NSA access to email and other Internet
traffic from much of the country. But something went wrong, and the
router was bricked instead—rendered totally inoperable. The failure
of this router caused Syria to suddenly lose all connection to the
Internet—although the public didn’t know that the US government was
responsible. (This is the first time the claim has been

Inside the TAO operations center, the panicked government
hackers had what Snowden calls an “oh shit” moment. They raced to
remotely repair the router, desperate to cover their tracks and
prevent the Syrians from discovering the sophisticated infiltration
software used to access the network. But because the router was
bricked, they were powerless to fix the problem.

Fortunately for the NSA, the Syrians were apparently more
focused on restoring the nation’s Internet than on tracking down
the cause of the outage. Back at TAO’s operations center, the
tension was broken with a joke that contained more than a little
truth: “If we get caught, we can always point the finger at

So if the outage did actually hamper efforts to dislodge
Assad—and remember U.S. leaders were publicly calling for him to
step down at this time—they have us to thank.

The bigger revelation is the existence of MonsterMind, which is
not the name of Lady Gaga’s next album. It is the reason why the
NSA really, really needs to be connected to everybody online, all
the time:

The massive surveillance effort was bad enough, but Snowden was
even more disturbed to discover a new, Strangelovian cyberwarfare
program in the works, codenamed MonsterMind. The program, disclosed
here for the first time, would automate the process of hunting for
the beginnings of a foreign cyberattack. Software would constantly
be on the lookout for traffic patterns indicating known or
suspected attacks. When it detected an attack, MonsterMind would
automatically block it from entering the country—a “kill” in cyber

Programs like this had existed for decades, but MonsterMind
software would add a unique new capability: Instead of simply
detecting and killing the malware at the point of entry,
MonsterMind would automatically fire back, with no human
involvement. That’s a problem, Snowden says, because the initial
attacks are often routed through computers in innocent third
countries. “These attacks can be spoofed,” he says. “You could have
someone sitting in China, for example, making it appear that one of
these attacks is originating in Russia. And then we end up shooting
back at a Russian hospital. What happens next?”

In addition to the possibility of accidentally starting a war,
Snowden views MonsterMind as the ultimate threat to privacy
because, in order for the system to work, the NSA first would have
to secretly get access to virtually all private communications
coming in from overseas to people in the US. “The argument is that
the only way we can identify these malicious traffic flows and
respond to them is if we’re analyzing all traffic flows,” he says.
“And if we’re analyzing all traffic flows, that means we have to be
intercepting all traffic flows. That means violating the Fourth
Amendment, seizing private communications without a warrant,
without probable cause or even a suspicion of wrongdoing. For
everyone, all the time.”

Read the whole story here, including
explanations why Snowden ended up dropping out of high school as a
teen and what happened next (if you’re thinking detractors have
left out important details, you’re right), Snowden’s explanation
that he left clues so NSA could determine how many documents he
actually took with him (they still don’t know), and more potential
confirmation that there is at least one other NSA leaker out

from Hit & Run

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