Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds Welcomes Our New Sex-Robot Overlords

Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit,
writes about super-realistic sex robots
coming out of Japan
like yesteryear’s transistor radios. Among various criticisms of
the trend is that human-robot sex will depress fertility rates even
more than they already are.

Just as we’ve developed snack foods that appeal to us more than
real food, perhaps we’ll see robots that appeal to us more than
real people. As weredefine
“sex” away from reproduction
, perhaps robosexuality will just
be seen as another preference. Already, one
in five people
 in the United Kingdom say they’d be willing
to get down and “dirty with a droid.” Presumably, as the sexbots
get sexier, and the idea less unfamiliar, the numbers will go

Will humanity die out, though? Probably not. Katy Perry offers
the path to human salvation. Although the singer has gotten flak
for saying she doesn’t need a man to have a baby, the fact is that
new reproductive technologies make that largely true. By the time
robot prostitutes are a going concern, it’s likely that men won’t
need women to have babies, either. While some futurists are
predicting robot prostitutes by 2025,artificial
 may arrive at the same time.

So you may or may not like the new world of sex robots, but at
least they probably won’t wipe out humanity. And we can have robot
nannies to raise the kids, too. But if we combine the two roles in
one machine, would that be creepy? Or just “Mom”? Welcome to the
21st century.

Read the whole thing in USA Today

from Hit & Run

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