Ebola Panic Reaches New Highs: Korean Bar Bans “Africans”

With race-relations in American at a boiling point, it is perhaps worth a glance at Asia for some context. As Media Equalizer's Brian Maloney reports, one restaurant in South Korea is refusing to serve black people due to fears over Ebola! As he concludes: imagine the uproar were this sign to appear anywhere in the US…



As Maloney adds,

Given that many American soldiers stationed in Korea are African-American, it’s hard to believe this isn’t generating more attention here at home.

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Africa already went 'medieval' as we noted here.

Cordons, common in the medieval era of the Black Death, have not been seen since the border between Poland and Russia was closed in 1918 to stop typhus from spreading west.


The phrase cordon sanitaire, or sanitary barrier, appears to date from 1821, when France sent 30,000 troops into the Pyrenees to stop a lethal fever raging in Spain from crossing the border.


Plans for the new cordon were announced on Aug. 1 at an emergency meeting in Conakry, Guinea, of the Mano River Union, a regional association of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, the three countries hardest hit by Ebola, according to Agence France-Presse. The plan was to isolate a triangular area where the three countries meet, separated only by porous borders, and where 70 percent of the cases known at that time had been found.



“It might work,” said Dr. Martin S. Cetron, the disease center’s chief quarantine expert. “But it has a lot of potential to go poorly if it’s not done with an ethical approach. Just letting the disease burn out and considering that the price of controlling it — we don’t live in that era anymore. And as soon as cases are under control, one should dial back the restrictions.”

How long before this 'segregation' scare comes to the rest of the world?

Source: Media Equalizer

via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1ldIpm4 Tyler Durden

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