Russia Shuts Moscow McDonalds Due To “Sanitary Breaches”

Sanctions blowback? Russian food safety watchdog Rospotrebnadzor has ordered the closure of four McDonalds restaurants in Moscow, according to Reuters, due to “numerous sanitary breaches.”


This was not entirely a surprise since Russia had previously raised concerns over McDonalds cheese and was angered when the fast-food restaurant ceased operations in Crimea. This also comes on the heels of McDonalds problems in China and Japan over food supply issues. It appears the “tangible losses” Putin promised, are beginning.


Full Rospotrebnador statement:

About inspections fast food McDonald’s


Moscow, 08.20.2014, the Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow during the supervisory activities with the sampling of raw materials, food and swabs from the objects of the environment with regard to fast food McDonald’s (JSC “Moscow-McDonald’s” and OOO “McDonald’s”) 18 – 20 August 2014 revealed numerous violations of the sanitary legislation.


According to the facts of violations August 20, 2014 specialists Rospotrebnadzor Moscow filed cases on administrative offenses under Art. Art. 6.6, 8.2, h. 1 14.43 of the Code of Administrative Offences, drawn up on the temporary ban on the activities of fast food McDonald’s: JSC “Moscow-McDonald’s” (Free ave .. d. 35B st. B. Bronnaya. 29 ), OOO “McDonald’s” (Mira ave., d. 97, Manezh Square, d. 1, p. 2). Case files are prepared for transfer to the courts in the manner prescribed by law. Verification activities specified network companies will continue.

As RT adds,

Multiple violations of sanitary norms were detected in the sourcing of food and waste disposal of McDonald’s restaurants during inspections carried out between the 18th and 20th of August,” said an official statement from the watchdog, Rospotrebnadzor.


The company has said that it will study the allegations against its franchises, and “will do everything to ensure that the restaurants open as soon as possible.”


“McDonald’s main priority is offering its customers quality and safe produce,” said a statement on the McDonald’s website.


The first checks took place in the northwestern city of Veliky Novgorod in May.


“The Caesar roll and vegetable salad have been found to contain microbe pollution with E.Coli bacteria and 10 times the safe level of microbes,” the watchdog said in a statement back then. ‘This attests to the fact that the staff breached personal hygiene rules, and the corporate sanitary disinfection regime.”

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via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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