Russia Busts European Sanctioned-Fruit Smuggling Ring

Just days after Russia banned the import of various foods from sanctions-supporting nations, VZ reports Russia’s food safety ministry Rosselhoznadzor has discovered fruit being smuggled in via Belarus that was restamped as being from Zimbabwe and various other non-sanctioned nations. It appears the smuggling nation culprits are Poland, Slovenia, and Greece and Russia is now “actively monitoring the situation,” suggesting they may extend import bans to Belarus also if the situation continues. In addition, Rosselhoznadzor intends in the future to move to a system of electronic certification of goods in transit.


As VZ reports (via Google Translate),

Rosselhoznadzor for a few days gave delivery to Russia via Belarus parties apples, peaches, plums, tomatoes without specifying the country of origin or an indication of permitted Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia, and a number of African countries, including Zimbabwe. However, phytosanitary documents of origin have not been parties or they caused suspicion among Russian inspectors. During the inspection it was found that fruits and vegetables imported from Poland, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Lithuania and some other EU countries, he continued. A number of parties had no permits phytosanitary documents Belarus.


“Some EU countries have started to send products to Belarus, without specifying the actual country of origin. and we found that it is Poland and Greece, because there is no evidence of Macedonian origin”, – he said, reports ITAR-TASS .


“We are actively monitoring the situation and will promptly verify the origin of dubious parties to prevent the supply of so-called countries cover”, – he said.


In terms of sanctions phytosanitary certification transit of European goods lies on Belarus recalled Dankvert. “If we have a detection of quarantine objects, we impose restrictions on the supply of Belarus”, – he said.


Rosselhoznadzor intends in the future to move to a system of electronic certification of goods in transit, continued Dankvert. In the meantime, the agency is in contact with the authorized supplier countries, and intends to establish the involvement of buffer states to the issuance of phytosanitary documents for re-export products.


In addition, Rosselhoznadzor intends to monitor re-dairy, meat and fish products through Switzerland, Kazakhstan and the Faroe Islands, continued to head the agency. “In Switzerland, while no cases at the Faroe Islands, too – there are a few companies, it will be immediately obvious, and Kazakhstan already have the facts of transit goods, which are deposited in Moscow “, – stressed Dankvert.

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And this is happening as Poland and Greece demand recompense from their EU leaders for lost revenues over the sanctions…
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No big surprise…

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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