According To Bank Of America The Outlook For The Entire World Has "Deteriorated" Due To Cold US Weather

It really doesn’t get funnier than this, and explains the 7 figure comp for the Bank of America authors who can certainly get matching compensation in the comedy circuit. From BofA’s Naeem Wahid:

We recommend closing the short EUR/SEK trade that we initiated last week. While Swedish economic data have improved, as we expected, the global outlook has deteriorated – caused by a larger than expected weather effect in the US (the US ISM has fallen to 51.3, from December’s 56.5). As such we close out the trade at  8.8300 (entered at 8.8100) and look to reinitiate once risk appetite turns positive again.

In other words, the outlook for the global economy – that would be the economy of the entire world – has just taken a hit due to…. cold weather and snowfall during the US winter….    …..    …..



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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