Project 2025 & The Continued Democrat Meltdown

Project 2025 & The Continued Democrat Meltdown

Authored by Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann via American Greatness,

Tying Donald Trump to Project 2025 is the latest desperation tactic from Democrats. But it’s likely to backfire. It might actually create a new generation of Conservatives in the process.

Last year, the Heritage Foundation published the Mandate for Leadership as assembled by a consortium of people and think tanks called Project 2025. It is a compilation of long-standing recommended Conservative policies for the next Republican administration. The Project 2025 group claims the document is “the Conservative movement’s unified effort to be ready for the next Conservative administration to govern at noon, January 20, 2025.”

It absolutely petrifies progressive Democrats.

Looking at a portion of the 900+ page compendium, we note that it contains policy suggestions that have been embedded within the Conservative platform for over sixty years. We also note that proclamations from right-leaning think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation are routinely attacked from the left as being “radical” in nature and “out of touch” with ordinary Americans. This is nothing new. The left and progressives, especially, see this as the latest bogeyman to motivate the base as the Biden candidacy spins out of control.

What is new here is the odd tactical decision of the Biden-Harris campaign to demonize the Heritage Foundation and tie the organization’s work to Donald Trump, who has nothing to do with Heritage and had no participation with Project 2025. It’s quite doubtful Trump even knew about Project 2025 until the Biden-Harris campaign decided it would characterize it as “Donald Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda” as “something every American should be scared of.”

When we first saw references to Project 2025 appear, we knew that it was not organic. When all the usual suspects—MSDNC, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Axios, Politico, NPR, Media Matters for America, and dozens of those image memes flooding your timeline on Facebook—we knew it was no accident. As we like to say, there are no coincidences in partisan politics.

Calling this “Donald Trump’s Project 2025 agenda” is yet another droplet in the endless ocean of lies from the Biden administration and its leftwing enablers. Here is another example of the obvious disinformation coming from the left (hit the link to see how remarkably unhinged these people are).

While some of the points are true (i.e., ending the Department of Education, using public funding for private religious schools, increasing Arctic oil drilling), over 90 percent of these claims are outright lies, many of which are not even mentioned in the document. Project 2025 responded to this with an enumerated list of 30 “myths vs. facts.”

This attack on Project 2025 and the attempt to connect their agenda to Trump seem to have a very strange appeal to ignorant Biden-Harris voters. Previously, hardly anyone, even among Republican and Conservative political junkies, had even heard of the Heritage Foundation, a relatively low-key, center-right institution that has never been considered a radical fringe organization. A vast majority of Americans are now hearing about Heritage for the first time.

What might actually emerge is a broader awareness of the Heritage Foundation and its Conservative work among citizens who would not have otherwise found out if the Biden-Harris campaign had not made such a huge stink. The curiosity of voters will drive them to check out Project 2025, in which they will find five primary policy pillars intended to restore the Constitution as the country’s primary governing guide. We have distilled the five massively detailed policy proposals as follows:

First, and arguably most important, “The president must enforce the Constitution and laws as written, rather than proclaiming new ‘law’ unilaterally. Legislatures make the laws in a republic, not executives.” (With the SCOTUS controlled by its current Conservative majority, this is downright scary to far-left progressives.)

Second, “We must rediscover and adhere to the Founder’s wise division of war powers, whereby Congress, the most representative and deliberative branch, decides whether to go to war; and the executive…decides how to carry it out once begun.” Our multi-generational experimentation in presidentially initiated wars demonstrates that “we depart from our Constitutional design at our peril.” Over the vast majority of our history, especially in the 20th century, it was a Congressional Declaration of War that had the United States enter World War Two, not a Presidential Declaration of War.

Third, the president and the State Department must “stop skirting the Constitution’s treaty-making requirements and stop enforcing ‘agreements’ which haven’t been ratified by the Senate as the Constitution requires, as if they were proper treaties.” Republicans as well as Democrats are guilty of this. Is it any wonder that no new wars were started during the four years of the first Trump administration?

Fourth, “The Senate has been extraordinarily lax in fulfilling its constitutional obligation to confirm presidential appointees.” This results in unconfirmed, “acting” officials carrying out executive-branch responsibilities for months or years without Senate approval. Not to hold Democrats totally to blame here, the Senate ceded its war-making powers to the Executive Branch, starting with George W. Bush and continuing through the Obama and Biden administrations. Our growing involvement in the Ukraine conflict serves no real United States policy agenda other than to keep deep state warmongers like Victoria Nuland happy under Republican as well as Democrat administrations.

Fifth, the Justice Department must “respect the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech rather than try to police speech.” Oh my God, where do we start here? The encroachment on the First Amendment started under Bush with the Patriot Act in the aftermath of 9/11 and has accelerated since then, especially under Obama and Biden. Biden’s Department of Justice especially has used deep state violations of its police powers against ordinary citizens, like many of the J6 demonstrators as well as journalists who neglect to toe the administration’s line.

Each of these five points is a cap, not an expansion, of presidential power. The Biden-Harris campaign making such an effort to characterize Project 2025 as enabling a presidential power grab is a classic case of projection.

Tying Trump to Heritage is a losing proposition, indicative of a campaign in desperation to change the subject from their complete and total meltdown in the wake of Biden’s catastrophic performance in the first debate and his subsequent interview with former Bill Clinton operative, George Stephanopoulos. It will backfire as expected and could lead to a broadening of acceptance toward Conservative principles among the American population.

Keep up the good work, Democrats!


Richard Truesdell is a former consumer electronics retail executive and automotive travel photojournalist. In the last 25 years, he has visited more than 35 countries on six continents. A former high school history teacher with a BA in Political Science from Waynesburg University, he is a lifelong Conservative moderate who has turned his thoughts and keyboard to political commentary and popular culture. A cross-section of his writings can be found here.

Keith Lehmann is a retired consumer electronics industry executive who has written extensively on technology, transportation, and international travel. Living in Southern California for over fifty years, he has first-hand exposure to societal and cultural happenings of the left and submits decidedly realism-based, Conservative viewpoints, much of which can be found on his Substack.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 07/14/2024 – 22:10

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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