MSNBC’s Joy Reid Compares Biden Getting COVID To Trump Getting Shot

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Compares Biden Getting COVID To Trump Getting Shot

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via,

MSNBC’s Joy Reid ludicrously compared Joe Biden getting COVID to Trump surviving an assassination attempt, asking, “Isn’t that exactly the same?”

Yes, really.

The White House announced that Biden, who has supposedly taken every COVID booster shot available, had once again contracted the virus and was suffering with “mild symptoms”.

That prompted Reid to go on a bizarre rant in which she first expressed her hostility to Trump’s brave fist pump after he was almost killed.

“Donald Trump is an elderly man who for whatever reason, was given nine seconds to take an iconic photo op during an active shooter situation. Weird situation. We’ll figure that out one day,” she said.

“But his survival of that and, and bouncing right back and going right to his convention is being conveyed in the media world as a sign of strength,” added Reid.

“This current president of the United States is 81 years old and has COVID should he be fine in a couple of days?”

“Doesn’t that convey exactly the same thing? That he’s strong enough, older than Trump, to have gotten something that used to be really fatal to people his age?”

“So if he comes back and is fine and is able to do rallies isn’t that exactly the same?” asked Reid.

Yes, Joy, nearly getting your head blown off by a matter of inches is totally the same as catching a cold.

Former White House propaganda czar Jen Psaki agreed with Reid that “it should” be treated the same.

Reid has had some notoriously bad hot takes of late, but this one really takes the biscuit.

She previously asserted that Donald Trump shouldn’t have even been allowed to stand next to Biden at the debate.

Before that, she celebrated her contention that the show trials against Trump were a form of racial revenge, while also finding time to have a hissy fit over ‘white boy summer’.

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Tyler Durden
Thu, 07/18/2024 – 08:15

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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