Cuomo Vows to Bust NY Public School Monopoly, But His Support for Common Core Tells Another Story

Governor Andrew Cuomo
(D-N.Y.) has announced his intention to take on New York’s public
education system if he is re-elected on November 4.

Speaking to the Editorial Board of
The New York Daily News
, Cuomo stated that he planned “to
break what is in essence one of the only remaining public school

Cuomo went on to say that the key to improving New York’s
education system is a combination of increased competition (through
school choice alternatives like charter schools) and the more
rigorous evaluation system for teachers that has been imposed in
New York as part of the Common Core standards. From The Daily

“I believe these kinds of changes are probably the single best
thing that I can do as governor that’s going to matter long term,”
he said.

It’s encouraging when any governor is willing to refer to the
public education monopoly for what it is, espcially a Democratic
governor from the Northeast. Unfortunately, Cuomo’s continuing
support for Common Core undermines the competition in education
he’s calling for. Rigorous evaluations for teachers might sound
good, but schools (and states) can’t differentiate themselves when
they’re all forced to adhere to the same one-size-fits-all
standards. If Cuomo truly wants an education system that
promotes maximum choice, he should let parents decide which school,
which teaching method, and which curriculum is best for
their children.

from Hit & Run

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