Turned Off by Obamacare, Many Doctors Spurn Exchange Patients

Riffing off a
survey conducted earlier this year
by the Medical Group
Management Association (MGMA), the conservative American Action
Forum (AAF)
estimates that upwards of 214,000 doctors
are declining to
serve patients covered by Obamacare exchange health plans. AAF gets
that number by extrapolating the MGMA’s survey responses across the
of practicing physicians, so take that number as
seriously as you like. But there’s no doubt that physicians have
real concerns about the president’s signature Affordable Care Act
(ACA), and that exchange customers are having trouble finding
doctors willing to take their business.

The MGMA’s finding that 23.5 percent of medical practices are
not participating in exchange plans squares closely with a
survey last month by The Physicians Foundation
in which 28.5
percent of respondents answered “no, and I have no plans to”
participate in Obamacare.

Fifty nine percent of MGMA respondents had an unfavorable view
of the ACA, while 74.6 percent of physicians surveyed by the The
Physicians Foundation gave it a C grade or lower (46 percent give
it a D or F).

The survey by the The Physicians Foundation didn’t inquire into
reasons for grades, but the MGMA did ask about resistance
to participating in exchange plans. Forty eight percent pointed to
90-day grace period
during which enrollees must still be
treated even if they don’t pay premiums (doctors are on the hook
for 60 days of that, with insurance companies responsible for the
other 30). Red tape is a worry for 32 percent of respondents, with
41 percent citing financial headaches including patients not being
able to pick up their share of costs on high-deductible plans.
Thirty eight percent pointed to low reimbursement rates (they can
be half
for traditional commercial health plans).

In an article published this week, USA Today cited
bargain-basement compensation for physicians as one reason
exchange customers are already having big problems finding
who will see them. “The exchanges have become very much
like Medicaid,” they quoted the president of the Medical Society of
the State of New York saying. “Physicians who are in solo practices
have to be careful to not take too many patients reimbursed at
lower rates or they’re not going to be in business very long.”

The grace period also featured prominently in that article,
since it represents a potentally big expense for doctors (my

wife has run into it
in her pediatric practice).

Doctor availability would likely be even lower if some insurance
companies didn’t insist on all or nothing packages, requring
practices to accept their exchange policies along with their
commercial plans.

Even so, for all of the effort to enroll Americans in Obamacare,
there’s no guarantee that the doctor will be in for any of

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1wK1Zs5

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