Democrats are Running on the Wrong Issues

In the Colorado Senate race, Democrat
Mark Udall, the incumbent, has arguably pursued the “War on Women”
strategy with more vigor than any other Democrat this year. He’s
run so many ads focused on the “women’s issues” of contraception
and abortion that he’s been dubbed “Mark

The strategy doesn’t appear to be working very well. Although
Udall leads by six points amongst likely women voters, who support
him 45-39, Udall is down overall against his Republican opponent,
Cory Gardner, who leads with 46 percent of likely voters overall,
according to a Quinnipac poll released yesterday. With just 39
percent of likely voters saying they plan to support Udall, he’s

by seven points. 

A new poll from the Associated Press helps explain why this
strategy, versions of which are being run by Democratic candidates
across the country, is falling flat: This year, most voters care
more about economic issues than social issues.
the AP:

Only 32 percent of likely voters called gay marriage an
important issue, compared with 91 percent ranking the economy
important, 78 percent with similar concerns about health care and
74 percent naming Ebola important. The issue that some Democrats
have emphasized most of all – abortion rights – also has been a
relatively low priority, with only 43 percent of likely voters in a
September poll ranking it important.

…One domestic issue that remains a priority for Americans is
health care. Only 3 in 10 say they support the overhaul passed in
2010, while nearly half (48 percent) oppose it.

Democrats are running on issues that many voters consider low
priority. But they may not have had much choice. As a Gallup poll
foundrecently, Democrats are winning on issues like contraception,
but Republicans are now
more trusted
on higher priority issues like the economy and the
budget deficit. As Gallup concluded, “it has become pretty clear
that Republicans have a distinct and emerging issue advantage in
the 2014 campaign.”

Part of what’s fascinating is that this is happening despite how
thin the GOP agenda continues to be. Republicans have campaigned
heavily against Obama this year, but have been reluctant to offer
specifics about what they support. Democrats are running on the
wrong issues; Republicans are running on no issues. Yet voters seem
to prefer whatever it is the GOP stands for to what Democrats have
already done and still have to offer.

But what this also suggests is the increasing weakness of the
Democratic agenda as well. We have been hearing for years now that
the GOP is out of ideas, and there is an awful lot of truth to
that. But Democrats do not seem to have much of a grand to-do list
either. And what they do have does not seem to be particularly
motivating. As I’ve argued before, we’ve entered a post-policy
for both parties, in which both sides have exhausted
their agendas. Whatever comes next is going to be very

from Hit & Run

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