USDJPY Tops 114 (+6 Handles) Sending Japanese Stocks Up 2000 Points Since FOMC

The trend is your friend… until it becomes a Venezuelan hyperinflation melt-up…


USDJPY just broke 114 – now up 6 big figures since before the FOMC. The Nikkei 225 futures are now up 2000 points since then…


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A gentle reminder from the past…

Amid the euphoria… Kyle Bass provided a few minutes of sanity this morning in an interview with CNBC’s Gary Kaminsky. Bass starts by reflecting on the ongoing (and escalating) money-printing (or balance sheet expansion as we noted here) as the driver of stock movements currently and would not be surprised to see them move higher still (given the ongoing printing expected).



However, he caveats that nominally bullish statement with a critical point, “Zimbabwe’s stock market was the best performer this decade – but your entire portfolio now buys you 3 eggs” as purchasing power is crushed. Investors, he says, are “too focused on nominal prices” as the rate of growth of the monetary base is destroying true wealth. Bass is convinced that cost-push inflation is coming (as the velocity of money will move once psychology shifts) and investors must not take their eye off the insidious nature of underlying inflation – no matter what we are told by the government (as they will always lie when its critical). Own ‘productive assets’, finance them at low fixed rates (thank you Ben)…


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Money does grow on trees – well manicured little trees…

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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