Most Transparent Administration Ever? Ferguson No-Fly Zone Was “To Keep The Media Out”

Three months ago when we questioned the FAA’s decision to issue a no-fly zone over Ferguson “to provide a safe environment for law enforcement activities” because TV crews recording every incident put “law enforcement” in jeopardy? We were scoffed at by the usual suspects as conspiracy wonks who need to get out of our mom’s basement. Sadly – for America and its citizenry – we have once again been proved 100% correct as yet another conspiracy theory becomes fact. As AP reports, audio recordings show that local authorities privately acknowledged the purpose was to keep away news helicopters during violent street protests. “They finally admitted it really was to keep the media out,” said one FAA manager about the St. Louis County Police in a series of recorded telephone conversations obtained by The Associated Press. “But they were a little concerned of, obviously, anything else that could be going on.”


As AP reports,

The U.S. government agreed to a police request to restrict more than 37 square miles of airspace surrounding Ferguson, Missouri, for 12 days in August for safety, but audio recordings show that local authorities privately acknowledged the purpose was to keep away news helicopters during violent street protests.


On Aug. 12, the morning after the Federal Aviation Administration imposed the first flight restriction, FAA air traffic managers struggled to redefine the flight ban to let commercial flights operate at nearby Lambert-St. Louis International Airport and police helicopters fly through the area — but ban others.


“They finally admitted it really was to keep the media out,” said one FAA manager about the St. Louis County Police in a series of recorded telephone conversations obtained by The Associated Press. “But they were a little concerned of, obviously, anything else that could be going on.


At another point, a manager at the FAA’s Kansas City center said police “did not care if you ran commercial traffic through this TFR (temporary flight restriction) all day long. They didn’t want media in there.”


FAA procedures for defining a no-fly area did not have an option that would accommodate that.


“There is really … no option for a TFR that says, you know, ‘OK, everybody but the media is OK,'” he said. The managers then worked out wording they felt would keep news helicopters out of the controlled zone but not impede other air traffic.



One FAA official at the agency’s command center asked the Kansas City manager in charge whether the restrictions were really about safety. “So are (the police) protecting aircraft from small-arms fire or something?” he asked. “Or do they think they’re just going to keep the press out of there, which they can’t do.”

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“Any evidence that a no-fly zone was put in place as a pretext to exclude the media from covering events in Ferguson is extraordinarily troubling and a blatant violation of the press’s First Amendment rights,” said Lee Rowland, an American Civil Liberties Union staff attorney specializing in First Amendment issues.


FAA Administrator Michael Huerta said in a statement Sunday his agency will always err on the side of safety. “FAA cannot and will never exclusively ban media from covering an event of national significance, and media was never banned from covering the ongoing events in Ferguson in this case.”

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So much for the “most transparent administration ever” meme.

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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